1. Introduction
- The EM algorithm is an efficient iterative procedure to compute the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate in the presence of missing or hidden data (variables).
- It intends to estimate the model parameters such that the observed data are the most likely.
- Let be a real function defined on an interval . is said to be convex on if,
- is concave (strictly concave) if is convex (strictly convex).
- Theorem 1. If is twice differentiable on [a, b] and on [a, b], then is convex on [a, b].
- If x takes vector values, f(x) is convex if the hessian matrix H is positive semi-definite (H>=0).
- -ln(x) is strictly convex in (0, inf), and hence ln(x) is strictly concave in (0, inf).
Jensen's inequality
- The convexity is generalized to multivariate.
- Let be a convex function defined on an interval. If and with,
- Hence, for concave functions:
- Applying ln(x) and concavity, we can verify that,
2. The EM Algorithm
- Each iteration of the EM algorithm consists of two processes
- E-step. The missing data are estimated, given the observed data and current estimate of the model parameters. The assumption is that the observed data is resulted from the parameters of a model.
- M-step. The likelihood function is maximized under the assumption that the missing data are known. That is, the estimate of the missing data from the E-step are used in lieu of the actual missing data. The typical likelihood function is the log likelihood function defined as , i.e. a function of the parameter theta given the observed data X.
- Convergence is assured since the algorithm is guaranteed to increase the likelihood at each iteration.
- The detailed derivation can be referred to Andrew's or Sean's tutorial.
- Assume a model , where H is a hidden variable. We would like to estimate parameters: Pr(H), Pr(A|H), Pr(A|~H), Pr(B|H), Pr(B|~H). The observed data is given as follows:
A B Count Pr(H|A, B, params) 0 0 6 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 4 - Initialize parameters: Pr(H)=0.4; Pr(A|H)=0.55; Pr(A|~H)=0.61; Pr(B|H)=0.43; Pr(B|~H)=0.52
- E-step (estimate hidden variable): Pr(H|A, B) = Pr(A, B, H)/Pr(A, B) = Pr(A, B|H)Pr(H)/Pr(A, B) = Pr(A|H)Pr(B|H)Pr(H)/(Pr(A, B|H)Pr(H)+Pr(A, B|~H)(1-Pr(H))) =>Pr(H|~A, ~B, param)=0.48; Pr(H|~A, B, param)=0.39; Pr(H|A, ~B, param)=0.42;Pr(H|A, B, param)=0.33;
- M-step (update parameters): =>Pr(H)=0.42; Pr(A|H)=0.35; Pr(A|~H)=0.46; Pr(B|H)=0.34; Pr(B|~H)=0.47;
- Continue this procedure until the whole procedure keeps stable.
- Andrew Ng, The EM algorithm: .
- Sean Borman, .
- Long Qin, Tutorial on Expectation-Maximization Algorithm.